Family films are an incredible keepsakes for capturing and preserving the memories and milestones of our children. Filming our kids allows us to capture their growth, their accomplishments, and the special moments that make up their childhood. It is a wonderful way to document their journey and create a lasting record of their lives.
In this blog I will share my thoughts on why I think family films are important and some of my most favourite films I made for my clients.
Family films allow us to capture the essence of our children in a way that photographs or written memories cannot fully convey. We can capture their laughter, their expressions, and their personalities in motion, giving us a rich and vivid snapshot of who they are at each stage of their lives. As children grow up so quickly, having these videos allows us to relive those precious moments and nostalgically revisit their unique journey.
I find One of the main benefits of documenting our children in family films is the ability to capture their personality and behavior in a dynamic and authentic way. Video allows us to see our children in action, interacting with their environment and the people around them. Their laughter, their first steps, their first words - all of these precious moments can be captured and preserved through your family film. Imagine this moment gone forever but instead you would have it ENCAPSULATED in a video which you can rewatch over and over again with your kids.
It’s absolutely priceless to see the emotions and feelings family films bring onto kids faces, every time we watch our family keepsakes together.
When is the best time to book a family film?
My answer is always now! Don’t wait till next month or next year, don’t wait till you LOSE weight or a certain season to come. Just remember tomorrow your child will be a little bit older than today. Babies especially change so much in the first year and if you want to document that newborn stage, just do it! Because if you don’t, you might regret later on.
My baby is very active, what if he/she doesn’t cooperate?
that’s the beauty of family films, they document real life not perfectly stage moment. It could be any of your favourite activity you do with your children, so they will be busy, involved and doing what they love. It can be baking cookies together, reading activity, playing board games, walking in the woods or just simply being home together and having those sweet conversations mixed up with the cuddles and kisses.
Here some of my favourite films, capturing baby stage to toddler.
What is the best location for a family film?
I would say it’s your home. It’s where you spend most of your life growing a family. It’s where kids feel comfortable and familiar. It’s where your family story begins. And it’s where you can do every day routine activities with your children. That’s what you would want to remember and document.
If you are still not convinced to book a family film for your family. Than I can give you the most important argument of all. Each year your child grows, these keepsake films will get cherished more and more. Giving you and your children priceless gift in 20,30, 40 years from now.
It’s just simple truth. You will never be able to get the time back when your baby was small but you can give this gift to your child. a little snippet of their childhood documented in a family film.
By capturing these precious moments on film, we are able to create a lasting legacy that can be treasured and shared for generations to come. So let us embrace the power of family films and ensure that the beautiful memories of our children's lives are preserved and celebrated.
I invite you to watch this collections of my favourite family films I have created for my clients.
And if you want to book your family film, please get in touch with me! Don’t wait till your kids grow up. We have such a limited time with them.